Blog Tour: Dad You’ve Trumped by Andrew Rogerson
Hey guys. Today is my stop on the blog tour for Dad You’ve Trumped by Andrew Rogerson and I am bringing you a guest post. Enjoy!
Title: Dad You’ve Trumped
Author: Andrew Rogerson
Illustrator: Christopher Dodd
Genre: Picture Book
Publication Date: 14th May 2020
Page Count: 34
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53348627-dad-you-ve-trumped
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dad-Youve-Trumped-Andrew-Rogerson/dp/1913136655/
Summary: This is the story of how a dad tries to explain away his moments of flatulent indiscretion to his daughter Poppy who is five. These are real moments. They are real excuses!
Fun Adventures with Dad and Poppy
Swimming out to the Blue Cave in Pollensa
Poppy says… Waking up early has always been a struggle, nevertheless I managed, with the promise that I got to pick the inflatable to take with us, and I did. It was the biggest I could find and completely impractical to walk with, but we managed. I remember the walk seemed to take forever but that was nothing snacks could not fixed. When we got to there, I thought “What’s so special in a tiny beach? Where is the cave? Why are people naked?” This is when I found out 1, it was natural for people to be naked and 2, the next stage of the adventure was to swim. Well when I mean swim, I mean my dad and Carl swam while I sat in my enormous inflatable boat with all the snacks and drinks. Some may say I got the better end of the deal, but I say the being a floating snack bar is hard work. The swim, well float, took a long time but it was well worth it. It truly was magical, a memory that will never leave me. We did not stay long in the magic cave before my dad and Carl said it was time to go back. The swim back was the funniest, while my dad half drowned by swallowing the salt water and Carl screaming as he stood on the seabed of sharp sea urchins my only reaction was to laugh. Not a giggle. A real laugh the one where you cry. You know? The three musketeers got back to the hotel with only a sore foot, sea sickness and sunburn. I would say that was a real achievement.
Dad says…we bought an inflatable boat from a local shop and some cold drinks and snacks because our guide, Carl Davies, had told us it was a bit of a swim and that if she got tired, Poppy could get in the boat. It would also be somewhere to keep the food and drink. It turned out to be a lifeboat! Walking to the beach seemed like a walk through Death Valley. It was so hot and there didn’t seem to be any trail. Carl kept using that good old phrase “We’re nearly there!” I don’t remember Poppy complaining. Not sure the same can be said for me. When we eventually got there after what seemed like a whole morning the beach was more like something from pre-historic times. Rocks and boulders. There were goats for God’s sake! As Carl pointed out “That’s why it’s so secluded. Look there’s hardly anyone here”. But there were people there and they were all taking advantage of the seclusion by stripping butt naked and sunbathing on the massive boulders!
So we blew up the lifeboat and set off for the short swim. I pushed the boat, Carl pulled the boat and Poppy rode the boat. Half an hour later it seemed like we had only gone fifty yards. I was knackered with cramp and Poppy very kindly handed me a cold beer to wash the salt water and sick out of my mouth. Meanwhile, Carl had stood on a sea urchin as he stood on a razor sharp rock to get his breath back, “Nearly there!” he said.
When we got to the blue cave Poppy was nice and refreshed and ready for a little exploring. So we popped into the cave. Very nice. Two minutes. Then started back for the ‘beach’ in the hope that we’d get there before sunset.
Shell Island, Pink Day
Poppy says… I was always upset to leave pink days because I wanted to be involved. That thought did not stay long really, I had far too much fun in Shell Island to even remember the event that was going on at home. Hide and seek in the sand Junes, crabbing, kite flying and of course the campfires and BBQs every night. I mean what else could I wish for?
Dad says… we escaped the bedlam of Pink day (an annual fundraiser organised by Wendi my wife, to raise money for Alder Hey) to go camping on shell Island. I seem to remember finding a camping place that overlooked Ceredigion Bay. We went crabbing, which was always competitive, we flew out kite and of course we went in search of shells. That was one of the best barbecues we ever had too.
Vintage Car Rally
Poppy says… The annual car rally was always something I was excited about. Not only for the cars, but the musical organs, sweet stalls, and rides. I used to roam free spending all my pocket money on all things sweet. Ice cream and candyfloss was something you would always find me eating.
Dad says… weather permitting the vintage car rally is an annual event and we have taken all the children there because it’s a local free event. The noise of the steam engines and hand turned music organs assaults the ears on one side of the park and the screams of children on fairground rides does the same on the other side. The oasis is in the middle where you can stroll around looking at old fashioned cars and motorbikes and browse artisan stalls. Poppy loved the freedom of running around eating ice cream and candyfloss and bumping in to friends. One of the cars provided inspiration for one of Chris’s images.
Windy adventures: Memories of trumping
Poppy says
Dad says…this can be the funniest thing. Of course it’s polite to hold it in and even leave the room but when it’s your child there should be some leeway! With Poppy it became a running joke. I would do it and she would say “Dad!” Then I would look at her desperately and blame the door, the floorboards, an imaginary mouse – anything I could bring to mind to deflect the blame. Then she would either shout “Mum! Dad just trumped!” or I’d kind of get away with it.
Of course the problem was that if a door or floorboard did creak or my shoes did squeak on the floor I would then be falsely accused. Worse still, I would be blamed for any smell that entered the house, car or tent. That used to make me so angry!
Author Information
Andrew is 52 and lives near Liverpool with his wife and family. He has always loved theatre and music and runs a youth theatre for The Arts Project based in Widnes, Cheshire. He sometimes plays double bass in a band called The Chimps. His youngest daughter is the subject of the books in the Poppy and Dad series of books.
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