Blog Tour: Walk a Narrow Line by Rod Graham
Hey guys. Today is my stop on the blog tour for Walk a Narrow Line by Rod Graham and I am bringing you a guest post. Enjoy.
Title: Walk A Narrow Line
Author: Rod Graham
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publication Date: 5th May 2020
Page Count: 156
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53348878-walk-a-narrow-line
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Walk-Narrow-Line-Because-You-ebook/dp/B086BLNBZ4
Summary: Driven on unrelentlessly not to be beaten down by failure, this is one man’s extraordinary true-life story, which highlights the ever-present need to find your way in the world. Across the diverse life adventures over a seventy-year period, a picture is painted of a life that has led from neglect to success and from abuse to knowledge. This book will inspire those who read it to do better.
Five Interesting Facts about The Author/Musician Rod Graham.
I have never stopped to consider what might be interesting about myself, as I am usually more concerned with getting over the next life hurdle. However, when I asked my youngest daughter what she thought might be interesting about me; to my surprise there was not much hesitation with her reply.
First, she reminded me that I have set a precedent in researching and successfully prosecuting the oldest historical sexual abuse claim against a local council, (in fact, against anyone.) Having bought that claim sixty years after the event.
I carried out all the research and prepared the whole case myself. The lawyers; who were sceptical about the possibility of proving such a case after so many years, were only instigative in presenting the case to the defendant after telling me that I was like a dog who won’t let go of a bone.
You can learn more about that and some of these other facts in my book ‘Walk A Narrow.
Secondly, I have been a successful musician for forty-five years and do not consider myself to have earned the title of ‘Author’ (yet!) As a musician/songwriter I have released an album of my songs ‘Walk A Narrow Line’ which is available as a download to accompany the book.
The reason that being a musician is interesting is because I have worked with so many people who were famous over the years and was myself a member of a chart-topping band called ‘The Casuals’ for a while.
Number three would have to be my knowledge and experience of a hugely different world from the one that I was born into near the end of the second world war up to this day.
The world and social changes that I have lived through are immense. From the birth of our NHS, assassinations of presidents, the fight for racial and sexual equality to political correctness. The birth of computers, supermarkets, plastic bags and packaging, the development of rock & roll, global-pollution, man on the moon and vehicular improvements. The list of things that have changed in my lifetime is almost endless and I feel so privileged to have been a part of it all.
I have to stop there before getting carried away.
Number Four. I have tried to start a new life in both Australia and Paraguay, South America. I know the later may sound bizarre to you, but we are all entitled to a moment or two of madness.
When I left Australia, I abandoned a detached house in Perth despite the money that had been invested in it. This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy the Australian adventure…it was fun and really interesting.
Finally, number five is going to tell you that I have managed to progress, with optimism about life, from being homeless, jobless and sleeping rough to raising a family and being completely debt free for forty years. No rent, no mortgage, no finance, just normal household bills. I have renovated property, rebuilt cars and mended pianos, finally building my own house; having done this, not by being rich (because I’m not) but by grafting, wheeling and dealing, learning how to do things with my hands and believing in myself.
As I said at the beginning, I have never stopped to look at myself in this way, but now that I have; I find that I am quite proud of who I am.
Author Information
Rod Graham has been a music teacher for more than forty years, whilst also working as a professional musician. He has performed solo and with many different bands as well as sharing a stage with quite a few well-known artistes.
He would tell you that the gift of song and the ability to make music {even though he’s still learning} for his own pleasure and for the enjoyment of others is a treasure more rewarding than words can portray.
After a troubled childhood which led from being abandoned by birth parents, mistreated by a step mother, placed in care and sexually abused while in care; to sleeping rough and being given a prison sentence as a young adult; the author has managed to lift himself up and finally shed the shadows of his past.
His life so far has been far from ordinary, involving many trials and tribulations; triumphs and adventures, some of which he shares with the reader in this book. Rod has raised two families and passed on his musical knowledge to countless other young and not so young people.
Recently while Rod was trying to negotiate official channels during his research of old court records relating to his time in care, he was described as ‘Extremely tenacious’ and ‘like a dog who won’t let go of a bone’ by his lawyer who was convinced that trying to dig out sixty year old court records was a futile exercise. Rod proved him wrong and probably set a record for the oldest historic abuse claim in this country.
The author would also like to share his album of ten outstanding songs, from his extensive repertoire, with the reader. The title song ‘Because You Can’ can be downloaded free of charge via a link inside the book. Hopefully, you would find some inspiration in both the music and the book.
Book Website: http://www.walkanarrowline.com
Author Website: http://www.rod-graham.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rodgrahams
Jango web radio: https://www.jango.com/music/Rod+Graham/_full_bio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rodgraham77