Blog Tour: Change Leadership by Bill Mann
Hey guys. Today is my stop on the blog tour for Change Leadership by Bill Mann and I am bringing you a guest post. Enjoy.
Title: Change Leadership
Author: Bill Mann
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publication Date: 21st April 2020
Page Count: 116
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53348772-change-leadership
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Change-Leadership-people-through-change-ebook/dp/B08572TDB5/
Summary: 80% of change projects fail. It’s a staggering amount. The most common reason is a reluctance to change by the people involved. It’s not surprising really: people make up a business and it’s those same people who must accept and adapt to change. The difference between change management and change leadership is making the connection between organisational change and the human impact on all involved. This book will show you how to lead change, not just manage it. Bill Mann, founder of The Keep Calm Guy, has learnt the hard way about change. After a long career delivering change projects for many businesses it was his personal experiences of coping with the trauma of a suicide bomb attack, and losing his wife to cancer, that taught him how to find a path through change that other people will follow. www.thekeepcalmguy.co.uk
5 Reasons this book is currently very important
- This book is about change leadership and we are in the middle of a pandemic! We need compassionate leaders now more than ever.
- Every business, charity, and public service is going to change, and if they want to do it successfully then, they need to engage and support their people from the heart. This book is about leading at a personal level and with emotional intelligence
- People will demand it. They won’t tolerate being treated just as a resource anymore. Empathy, compassion, and kindness now have a much higher value as people realise what is truly important.
- The importance of mental health and wellbeing has never been as understood and valued as they are now, even before the pandemic. The biggest factor in an employee’s wellbeing is their relationship with their direct line manager. This book is for anyone leader people.
- We are all leaders. Family, friends, team-mates, or other social groups. We all take leading roles from time to time even if it is completely informal. We all have relationships with other people from those we have just met to people we have known all our lives. This book will help anybody supporting or leading others through difficult circumstances.
Author Information
Bill Mann is lucky to be alive. Just before 9am on July 7, 2005, he stepped on to the second carriage of a six-car Circle Line train at London’s Edgware Road. The train left platform four towards Paddington and seconds later a bomb, hidden inside a backpack, exploded, sending a fireball through the carriage.
Bill was sent flying across the carriage, as soot, smoke and embers hit the back of his throat. There were bodies strewn across the carriage and rail tracks as the screaming began. Bill sat comforting a woman with a serious head injury as panic swept through the tunnel. In total, 52 people died that day in coordinated attacks across the London transport network, including six in carriage two at Edgware Road.
A few years later, still recovering from the aftermath of the bomb, his world was rocked again when he lost his wife to cancer, devastating both him and his young family.
These two body blows would have destroyed many people, not Bill. After a successful career in the Financial Services industry for organisations such as Visa, he successfully built a new life for himself and his family, starting not one but two businesses and building a significant property portfolio. He is a best-selling author and life mentor, helping others not just cope with change but to really embrace it.
In his first book How to Keep Calm and Carry On, Bill Mann took us on a revealing journey of self-discovery as he battled to recover from the horrors of 7/7 and the subsequent death of his wife through cancer a few years later. He revealed how he overcame these two monumental changes and explained the techniques, thought process, and methodology we can all use to deal with change in our lives. How to keep calm and carry on.
In his latest book, Change Leadership, Bill makes the connection between organisational change and the personal change journey. The missing link that causes so many change projects to fail. At a time when the world is changing drastically the need for change leadership, and this insight has never been greater.
An established thought leader on personal and professional change, Bill now works with individuals and organisations helping them overcome challenges and adapt to change. His mentoring and support of professionals and teams is instrumental in their success.
He now lives in Essex, England, with his wife, five children, crazy dog, and various visiting friends and relatives. He is seriously considering getting a revolving door fitted to his house!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thekeepcalmguy
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/thekeepcalmguy
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/billmannuk